How AI Has Replicated the Styles and Art Forms of Famous Artists in Seconds


Artificial intelligence (AI) is not only transforming various industries and domains, but also creating new possibilities for artistic expression and creativity. AI art is a form of art that uses AI software as a tool or a collaborator in the creative process. AI art can produce stunning and original images that mimic or transcend the styles and art forms of famous artists in seconds. In this blog, we will explore how AI art works, what are some of the examples of AI art, and what are some of the implications and challenges of AI art.

How AI Art Works

To create AI art, artists use artificial intelligence software as a tool in the creative process. This is done with an algorithm that analyses thousands of images online for the software to learn about creating art, and replicate the process behind it. Using code, an AI artist sets up rules that direct the way the AI software creates the artwork.

One of the most popular techniques for creating AI art is called style transfer. Style transfer is a process that allows an AI software to apply the style of one image to another image. For example, an AI software can take a photograph of a cityscape and apply the style of Vincent van Gogh's Starry Night to create a new image that looks like a painting.

Style transfer works by using two types of neural networks: a convolutional neural network (CNN) and a generative adversarial network (GAN). A CNN is a type of neural network that can recognize and extract features from images, such as shapes, colours, textures, and patterns. A GAN is a type of neural network that can generate new images based on the features extracted by the CNN.

To perform style transfer, an AI software uses a CNN to analyse two images: a content image and a style image. The content image is the image that provides the subject matter or the structure of the output image. The style image is the image that provides the artistic style or the appearance of the output image. The CNN then extracts the features from both images and combines them to create a new image that has the content of one image and the style of another image.

Examples of AI Art

AI art has been gaining popularity and recognition in recent years, with many artists and researchers experimenting with different techniques and applications of AI art. Here are some of the examples of AI art that have impressed or intrigued audiences around the world:

 - AICAN: AICAN is an AI software developed by Rutgers University professor Ahmed Elgammal and his team. AICAN can create original styles of art that do not belong to any existing school or movement of art. AICAN does this by using a GAN to generate images that are novel but not too random, striking but not too chaotic, and aesthetically pleasing but not too familiar. AICAN's artworks have been exhibited in galleries and museums, and have received higher ratings than human-generated artworks in some surveys.

- DeepDream: DeepDream is an AI software developed by Google engineer Alexander Mordvintsev and his team. DeepDream can create surreal and psychedelic images that look like hallucinations or dreams. DeepDream does this by using a CNN to enhance certain features or patterns in an input image, such as eyes, faces, animals, or objects. DeepDream's images have inspired many artists and enthusiasts to create their own versions of DeepDream art using online tools or apps.

- Next Rembrandt: Next Rembrandt is an AI project initiated by ING Bank, Microsoft, TU Delft, Mauritshuis Museum, and Rembrandt House Museum. Next Rembrandt can create realistic portraits that look like they were painted by Rembrandt van Rijn, the famous Dutch painter from the 17th century. Next Rembrandt does this by using a CNN to analyze over 300 paintings by Rembrandt and extract his style, technique, and preferences. Next Rembrandt then uses a GAN to generate a new portrait that matches Rembrandt's style, but has a unique facial expression, pose, clothing, and background.

- Portrait of Edmond Belamy: Portrait of Edmond Belamy is an AI artwork created by Obvious, a collective of French artists and researchers. Portrait of Edmond Belamy is a blurry portrait of a fictional man named Edmond Belamy, who belongs to a fictional family named Belamy. Portrait of Edmond Belamy was created by using a GAN to generate images based


(1) AI Art & Graphics and What it Means for Design - Superside.

(2) AI Project Produces New Styles of Art - Smithsonian Magazine.

(3) IndiaToday on Twitter: "AI has replicated within seconds the styles and ....


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